This weekend was spent in Chattanooga. First, we'd gone off in search of Stubbs Artificial Limbs. However, Stubbs eluded us. (We'll find it another time.)
So, I thought it over and realized that there is a monument right off the interstate entrance ramp in my hometown, Lookout Valley, that I've always wanted to explore. We found it, and then discovered US Boundary NPS signs as well as an old, faded Cummings Bottom sign. So, we explored on foot!

We walked a fair distance, and then headed back. Later, we looked up more info, and there is an old cemetery further in, Fryar Cemetery. Hopefully, we'll get to explore that on a day when the weather is more cooperative.
I couldn't find any links for more information about Cummings Bottom. I found that it has Civil War historical relevance, but not much more than that. If anyone has any more information about it, please send it my way.